Disability Service support for students

The Disability Service offers a range of support for students with temporary or ongoing medical conditions, disabilities, or carer responsibilities (for someone who is elderly, disabled or who has a health condition).

There are several ways the Disability Service can minimise the impacts students are experiencing, whether it be through technology, simplified access to extensions, timetabling support, or possible flexibility with attendance. Adjustments provided by the Disability Service are tailored to students’ individual learning needs and outlined in their Education Inclusion Plan.

If you know of any students with temporary or ongoing medical/health conditions, disabilities, or carer responsibilities, please refer them to the Disability Service via our Student Portal page.

If you have any questions about the service, would like further support or would like a local Disability Advisor to meet with your team, please contact your local Disability Advisor via one of the emails below.

Staff can also access a wide range of resources relating to the Disability Service and how best to support students via the Disability Support staff page.

Disability Advisor contact details

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