Open Education Week 7-11 March

To celebrate Open Education week 7-11 March, the library is announcing initiatives to encourage teaching staff to support open education.

This week we launch the revised Intellectual Property Policy, which now supports ACU staff as they write and share educational resources as open.

The policy states that “ACU encourages the adoption, adaptation, and creation of high quality OERs where they contribute to quality learner experiences and success, and where ACU’s reputation and priorities are promoted, including aspiration and inclusion.”

To assist staff to develop OER resources, the library has joined the CAUL Open Educational Resources Collective which provides an open textbook publishing platform and a range of materials to support university authors when they create their own open textbooks. This also includes grants.

If you are interested in discovering how to include more open resources in your teaching, please contact the library.

If you are interested in finding out how to publish your own open textbook or textbook chapter, please contact the libraries OER Project Team: Vanessa Tuckfield, Kelly Dann, Lindy Ramsay, Maureen O’Brien or Nica Tsakmakis.

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