Academic Board Digest

A summary of the Academic Board meeting held on 11 May 2022 is detailed below.

Chair of Academic Board’s update

Academic Board:

  • Approved the draft Academic Board Risk Register as at May 2022, with immediate effect.
  • Noted the Policy Consolidation Project Update.
  • Noted the appointment of Associate Professor Christian Lorenzen as Chair of the Courses and Academic Quality Committee until 31 December 2022.
  • Noted the approvals by the Chair of Academic Board as at 1 May 2022.
  • Noted the update on governance processes relating to ACU’s Core Curriculum.
Vice-Chancellor and President’s (VCP) update

The VCP updated members on the following matters:

  • Strategic planning
  • Campus leadership
  • Appointment of Professor Laurie Buys as Professor of Healthy Ageing
  • Consolidation of the School of Arts and the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences into one entity, namely, the School of Arts and Humanities
  • Appointment of institutional lead for TEQSA renewal of registration and formation of renewal of registration committee
Provost’s update

The Interim Provost reported on:

  • Enhancements to the Academic Staff promotion process
  • Enhancements around courses
  • ACU Online enrolments

The Pro-Vice Chancellor, Global and Education Pathways (‘PVCGEP’) was invited to present. He updated members on the following matters:

  • Activities on the Rome campus
  • International student enrolments
  • Widening participation strategy
Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Ethics

Academic Board:

  • Discussed and noted the Library Research Services Framework 2022, providing feedback as appropriate.
  • Noted the proposal for the First Peoples Directorate to coordinate within the university, to co-design ACU’s response and implementation of the Universities Australia (UA) Indigenous Strategy 2022–2025.
Office of the Academic Registrar

Academic Board approved the below nomination for a 2021 University Medal:
Student Number: S00219113
Degree: Bachelor of Psychological Science/Bachelor of Laws
Campus: North Sydney
Medal Score: 6.92

The Academic Board also recommended the award of an addition medal within the Faculty of Law and Business.

Community Engagement and Service-Learning at ACU

The Associate Director (ACU Engagement) presented to Academic Board on Community Engagement and Service-Learning at ACU, highlighting the following points:

  • the program is concerned with raising the commitment to and quality of service-learning;
  • it is pervasive in our strategic plan and will be in the forthcoming ten-year strategic plan;
  • work has been undertaken on community practice professional development;
  • there are 22 units related to Community Engagement with 3,500 students per year undertaking Community Engagement placements; and
  • Community Engagement is part of ACU’s organisational change program.

Academic Board discussed the recommendations presented and provided advice on furthering these recommendations with support and involvement of Academic Board, taking effect from 12/05/22.

Reporting Committees

Courses and Academic Quality Committee (CAQC)

Academic Board:

  • Noted the report of the Chair of the Courses and Academic Quality Committee, dated 29 April 2022.
  • Approved the Course Accreditation, Amendment and Review Policy and associated Procedures with effect from 1 September 2022.
  • Approved the following Course Reviews:
    • Master of Educational Leadership and Graduate Certificate in Educational Leadership – PR000075
  • Approved the following Major Course Changes:
    • Bachelor of Arts – PR000301
  • Approved the following Course Discontinuations:
    • Master of Leadership, Graduate Certificate in Leadership (exit point award), Graduate Diploma in Leadership (exit point award) – PR000311
    • Bachelor of Paramedicine (professional entry) – PR000202

Student Administrative Lifecycle and Policy Committee

Academic Board noted the:

  • 2021 Savings Clause Report
  • 2021 Student Complaints Report
  • 2021 Student Appeals Report

Student Experience and Retention Committee
Faculty Boards
Internationalisation Committee
University Learning and Teaching Committee
University Research Committee

Academic Board noted minutes and updates.


Academic Board discussed and noted the:

  • Student Experience and Outcomes Report 1, 2022, and endorsed the identified areas for improvement.
  • TEQSA Compliance Report 2021 (March 2021) and considered the implications for ACU particularly in reference to its upcoming reregistration.
  • ACU Renewal of Registration Readiness Report (March 2022) including the Recommended Actions listed and follow-up action to be undertaken.
  • Employer Satisfaction Survey (ESS) Report for 2021.

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