Community-engaged scholarship projects

The Stakeholder Engaged Scholarship Unit (SESU) will soon issue a call for expressions of interest (EOIs) to all staff with relevant research experience. People will have the option to nominate themselves to participate in the design and delivery of partner-initiated, mission-focused scholarship projects.

The SESU activates community-engaged scholarship and research projects proposed by external agencies, particularly non-profit organisations (both Catholic and secular) to meet their needs. Our projects support communities facing disadvantage and are aimed at producing social, economic and/or cultural benefits.

Earlier this year, several organisations applied to the SESU to articulate their research needs. Shortlisting of the projects will soon finish and we will announce the projects that you can apply to be involved in thereafter.

Why should I apply?

You have the opportunity to work closely with a partner organisation on a project for 12-18 months. It’s a unique chance to co-design the research together and work collaboratively to deliver a project that will have a direct impact for the community it serves. Through a SESU project, you can share expertise and learn first-hand about the work partners are doing to address various social injustices.

You will be compensated for your work through an adequate workload allocation on the project.

Don’t just take our word for it. Hear from two of the academics working with us about their experience with the SESU in the following video.

Who can apply?

We will accept EOIs from any academic staff on continuing contracts and fixed-term contracts of more than six months across all faculties and institutes, including research.

Professional staff with relevant research experience can also apply.

Understanding the EOI process

The call for EOIs will remain open for two weeks and include details of the scholarship projects that will proceed via the SESU’s 2022 round of funding.

The EOI form will invite you to comment on your expertise, experience and skills as relevant to the projects. EOIs will be brief so the application process should be quick to complete.

While all applications are solo, the advisory group responsible for assessing EOIs to the SESU, will make recommendations for projects to be delivered by teams, rather than individuals where possible. This should create more opportunities for staff to develop their scholarship skills and lead to meaningful collaborations across the university.

The EOI will require approval from your supervisor and executive dean, research institute director or institute director before it is submitted to the advisory group.

What happens if my EOI is successful?

We anticipate that project planning will be underway in June and successful projects and selected applicants will meet with the organisations and SESU team to produce a clear project plan.

Successful applicant involvement in the project will be confirmed when a partnership agreement is signed with the organisation and a workload allocation has been agreed by the advisory group and relevant executives.

Organisational units will receive financial reimbursement to cover the cost of replacing the usual work of the staff member, which would have otherwise been completed had they not been engaged in a SESU project.

More information

Further information will be provided with the call for EOIs this month and can read more on the Stakeholder Engaged Scholarship Unit webpage in the meantime. 

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