Do you have questions about Academic Promotions?

So, you have attended the information sessions but still have questions about your application for promotion?

Don’t stress, there are several things you can do:

  1. Review the policy, procedure and information sheets available from the menus on the Academic Promotions webpage to help find the answers to your questions.
  2. Review the exemplar applications available from the menu on the Academic Promotions webpage. These applications may offer some useful suggestions on how to present your information, but keep in mind that your application will relate to your individual discipline, career trajectory and achievements.
  3. Access the recordings of the promotions information sessions (once available) from the Academic Promotions webpage, under the information sessions drop-down menu, to confirm your understanding.
  4. Approach your supervisor and openly discuss the areas you are still uncertain about. Your supervisor will be able to help you, but if they can’t, they can reach out to others within the school/faculty/centre/institute for guidance and advice.
  5. Link in with an academic peer (a senior colleague from within your school/faculty/institute/ centre) or a critical friend (from outside your school etc.) who has achieved promotion. They may be able to offer you constructive advice around preparing an application, and gathering and using your evidence.
  6. Contact the Executive Officer, Academic Promotions via – HR staff support the academic promotions process and may be able to point you in the right direction for advice and support.
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