Submit past exams to the library

Do you have any past exam papers for the Exam Repository? Your students can use them as study aids in the lead up to exams.

The Exam Repository explained

ACU’s online Exam Repository is managed by the library and keeps past exams for three years, in line with the Examination Policy and Examination Procedures.

If your unit has a final exam, your lecturer-in-charge should ensure at least one past exam paper is made available in the repository.

The exam repository is the only place past exams can be made available to your students.

Submitting past exams to the repository

Send us a copy of your unit’s past exams from:

  • Semester One last year
  • Semester Two last year
  • Summer/Winter terms this year

Sample papers are also accepted.

Course coordinators, please check with your head of school, then submit your past exam papers to

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