January's promise...
News 22 JanuaryA message from Vice President Fr Anthony Casamento csma: January offers us a fresh start and the hope of a brighter future.
17 November 2022
Congratulations to the successful applicants for Translate4Impact, ACU’s knowledge translation and research impact grant scheme.
We are pleased to announce funding support to three projects under the Change Grant scheme, two projects for Event Support and one project for Resource Production. These projects are highly impactful and designed with specific knowledge translation activities at their core.
An outline of each successful project is provided below.
For more information about knowledge translation and research impact visit the Research translation and impact web page or contact the Research Impact Unit.
Investigators: Dr Jessica Holloway, Dr Debra Phillips, Dr Helen Sheehan, Dr Kylie Kerr, Dr Luke Rowe, Dr Marie White, Dr Mellie Green, Dr Rafaan Daliri-Ngametua, Dr Rebecca Pagano, Dr Sarah Digan, Dr Steven Lewis
The project will translate academic research into impactful, relevant and accessible products that can support evidence-informed policymaking by industry end users and external stakeholders. Building upon an active research collaboration between the ACU School of Education and ILSTE, the project will develop a Research Trust Impact Hub to house co-designed translations of high-impact research for end users, including the South Australian Department for Education. The project will also evaluate how the translated research on the Impact Hub makes measurable impacts to education policy work at the DfE.
Investigators: Professor Susan Broomhall and Kate Gregory
The project aims to unsettle historical and contemporary understandings of Aboriginal fire practices and land management through side-by-side storytelling of fire knowledges in traditional cultural and modern practice. It listens to Aboriginal Elders and practitioners and foregrounds particularly the fire knowledge of women.
Fire knowledge has been essential to the survival and cultural practices of Aboriginal communities over millennia. This project listens to leading Aboriginal Elders, female rangers and land managers, their cultural perspectives in Western Australian fire management, little-known fire knowledge from the perspective of women’s business, and how Aboriginal women are increasingly leading the way in contemporary fire practices.
Investigators: Dr Taren Sanders, Dr Michael Noetel, Professor Stuart Biddle, Professor Chris Lonsdale
Screen time is the number one concern Australian parents have about their children’s health and behaviour. However, academic evidence does not always support parents’ concerns. There is substantial nuance in the way screen time influences outcomes – such as what children are doing, and with whom – which is not always captured in guidelines.
To support parents and other decision makers (eg policymakers) to make informed decisions, we will translate a comprehensive summary of the most robust systematic reviews into a data visualisation system. Our review details almost 200 effects of different types of screens on a range of outcomes. Working with government and non-government partners, we will ensure that this system is suitable for end users and that the system can be widely disseminated to maximise impact.
Investigators: Professor Joseph Ciarrochi, Dr Baljinder Sahdra, Dr Keong Yap, Dr Madeleine Ferrari
The funding will translate extensive research on the key components of compassionate practice – mindfulness, non-attachment, empathy, self-compassion and pro-social behaviour – into a highly accessible online program that guides people in the development of both self-compassion and other compassion. This will include the creation of 20 high-quality five-minute videos and five original colour illustrations, with written content and audio added to these basic materials to build a high-quality, appealing online course on compassion. The course will be designed to be highly accessible to the public.
Investigators: Associate Professor Mark Chou, Ben Vockler
This event will be run through the Victorian Local Governance Association (VLGA) – the peak body of local councils in Victoria – to disseminate the investigators’ research on the experiences and insights of young people who ran during the last local government elections in Victoria. The event will feature their research findings and use them to educate and encourage more young people in Victoria to run for, and get involved in, local government in the future.
This workshop event will be held at ACU’s Melbourne campus and will be the feature event of the VLGA’s Stepping Forward Incubator Initiative, which seeks to encourage more young people across Victoria to participate in local government.
Investigators: Professor Ester Cerin, Dr Anthony Barnett, Dr Govinda Poudel, Dr Maria Soloveva, Dr Miguel Alvarado Molina, Miss Lara Pigatto, Professor Jim Sallis
The Behaviour, Environment and Cognition Research Program group seeks to understand how to create healthy and sustainable urban environments for all members of the community. This networking event will foster knowledge translation and collaboration amongst researchers, policymakers and industries who are committed to sustainable practices and are eager to create healthy urban environments, which aligns with the translation and impact components of ACU’s Research and Enterprise Plan 2022–2023.
At the event, the research group’s work will be showcased to professionals from various sectors, such as NGOs, the Department of Health, Parks Victoria and urban planners, to stimulate conversation and knowledge exchange. With this event, the investigators intend to bridge the gap between science and policy, and expect to facilitate collaborative projects and initiatives for the creation of healthy and sustainable neighbourhood environments.
A message from Vice President Fr Anthony Casamento csma: January offers us a fresh start and the hope of a brighter future.
Congratulations to Professor Bryan Turner from ACU’s Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences who celebrates his 80th birthday this month.
Lock in your professional development for the 2025 year.
Changes to the Academic Regulations were approved by Academic Board and take effect in 2025.
The Office of the Deputy Chief Operating Officer and Director, Campus Leadership, is seeking expressions of interest for male staff members, both professional and academic, to be on the staff panel fo...
A new Authority to Act Policy and Authority to Act Procedure were approved by Academic Board and take effect in 2025.
ACU will move to the new EBSCOhost user interface on 4 February 2025. Find out what you need to do to prepare.
Please note the digests from Academic Board meetings 06/2024 held on 14 November 2024 and via circular resolution from 15-19 November 2024.
The 2025 Academic Timeline interactions and focus zones are now available to help prioritise the planning and delivery of learning and teaching. Sync the focus zones to your Outlook calendar now.
The 2024 Showcase of Teaching and Learning brought staff and students together to share innovations and collaborations from across the university. An online edition will be hosted in early 2025.
It has been a big year, and we understand that the festive season can be a different experience for each of us. Access a new resource from our employee assistance program, designed to help you prepare...
ACU's Co-Lab proudly announces Kyla Tucker as the winner of the $1,000 ACU Co-Lab Business Idea Pitch Award 2024, following careful evaluation by a panel of ACU judges.
Limited services will be available via Service Central on 12 and 13 December, while the Service Central team attend a staff conference. The Service Central phone line and live chat will not be availab...
A message from Vice President Fr Anthony Casamento csma: Ok, let’s not kid ourselves. If you are like me, December can feel like chaos. Yet, amid this chaos, the Church gives us the Season of Advent -...
Associate Professor Grant Duthie from the SPRINT Research Centre and Professor Jo Ingold from the Peter Faber Business School have won a prestigious government grant that will see them work with the b...
Let’s reflect on our inclusive practices during International Day of People with Disability.
ACU’s Peter Faber Business School has earned accreditation from AACSB, the US-based organisation that accredits business schools worldwide.
A message from the Provost, Professor Julie Cogin: As we approach the end of the year it’s fitting to look back and reflect on everything we’ve achieved over the past 12 months.
Find out the end-of-year deadlines and operating hours for a range of staff and student services within Corporate Services including Service Central, People & Capability and Student Administration.
The popular medicines database MIMS Online is upgrading to a new platform and changing its name to eMIMSelite.
Visit Service Central to access Corporate Services.