R U really OK?

Tomorrow, Thursday 8 September, is R U OK? Day, a national day of action dedicated to reminding people to regularly check in with family, friends and colleagues to meaningfully ask: “Are you OK?”.

Often, it can be hard to know how someone is feeling and, although it’s a simple question, “Are you OK?” can still be a tough one to ask.

This year we encourage asking, “R U really OK?”. Having this conversation is an important step in helping your family member, friend or colleague to open up.

You don’t need to be an expert to reach out to someone and to make a difference, just a good friend and a willing listener. Remember that all of us have what it takes to change a life. If you’re not sure where to start, read the how to have a conversation guide for R U OK? Day.

Some conversations are just too big for family or friends. If you’re worried about someone and would like some professional support, all staff and their immediate family members can access professional, confidential counselling support through ACU’s Employee Assistance Program.

R U OK? Day aims to give people a bit more confidence to be there for each other when things are a bit tough. This year more than ever, it’s four little words we can all ask – “R U really OK?” – not just on this day, but every day.

Wellbeing and mental health workshops

Looking to learn more about wellbeing and mental health? It’s not too late to register for the following workshops:

Further assistance and resources

For more information, guidance and useful resources visit R U OK?. Support and resources are also available via our Employee Assistance Program or Campus Ministry.

If urgent professional support is needed, please contact:

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