Your guide to LEO archiving

Please carefully review the important dates below to understand how you may be affected by the decommissioning and archival of LEO.

For a range of video guides on how to download content from LEO, visit the ‘Canvas Skills’ section of the Canvas Training website.

Please note, Echo360 will not be impacted by this archiving as it is separate from LEO. Videos stored in Echo360 do not need to be downloaded/backed up and can be reused in Canvas.

Final day to request extended LEO access - 22 December 2023

  • If you need to access LEO after 15 January 2024, please contact our project team at with justification for extension. Please note extended access is subject to approval.

Teaching concludes in LEO - 24 December 2023

  • The last term codes to be taught in LEO are Professional Term 8 2023 (202397), concluding on 3 December, and International (offshore) Trimester 3 2023 (202372), concluding on 24 December.

Equella decommissioned and access disabled - 31 December 2023

  • Staff will no longer be able to access Equella. This will be the last day to download any resources.

Marking and results finalised in LEO - 12 January 2024

  • All marking of assessments/exams submitted in LEO must be completed by 12 January. Some exceptions to access LEO beyond this date may be considered by CEI. See request to extend access below.

LEO access is disabled - 15 January 2024

  • Staff and students will no longer be able to access LEO.

LEO archiving concludes - 31 January 2024

  • All teaching units will be archived.
  • Most archived content will be kept for three years. Some exceptions apply to selected content related to course accreditation, which will be kept for six years.
  • To request the migration of your non-Banner unit to Canvas please visit Service Central.

LEO archiving system go-live - February 2024

  • Access to archived LEO content requested by submitting a Service Central form.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out to our project team at

For more information about the project, training enrolment, and answers to frequently asked questions, make sure to visit Canvas Implementation Project.

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