Maximise student engagement with Leganto

The Centre for Education and Innovation is continually adding resources to our new Professional Learning Program. This month we highlight Leganto and a new resource to help lecturers develop high-impact reading lists for students.

Leganto is the ACU preferred tool for presenting library resources to students so that they are clear, copyright compliant and easily accessible via OpenAthens. Lecturers can annotate resources for each week or module to explain how the resource specifically relates to a learning objective or assessment task.

Engaging students using Leganto provides an overview of the benefits of using the tool and a training video with examples of practice. The resource also highlights the key design principles to consider when developing reading lists to increase student engagement and provides lecturers with a comprehensive understanding of its capabilities.

Reading lists are only effective if students read, watch or listen to them. Key things to consider are the number of resources selected for students, the quality and relevance of the resource to learning activities, and ease of access.

Leganto provides valuable insight into how learners are interacting with the resources through data analytics and reports. The tool allows lecturers to monitor student engagement as it shows how many times a particular resource has been viewed. Students are also able to provide direct feedback to a lecturer by ‘liking’ a resource or adding a comment.

The Library also provides a step-by-step guide to Leganto. Read the Leganto reading list guide on the ACU Library website for more information.

If you need further assistance with creating a reading list on Leganto, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Library staff by emailing

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