Teaching and learning with HyFlex

The CEI "Teaching with HyFlex" training workshop will provide academic staff with strategies to support synchronous engagement with students in both online and face-to-face learning environments.

Teaching with HyFlex provides flexibility with synchronous delivery of content, as students have the option to physically attend a class or access it online. This allows students to connect with their educators and peers in a way that suits their individual needs.

This workshop will be held both face-to-face and online. North Sydney staff are invited to attend in-person, with other campus staff to participate online. The session will utilise hybrid concurrent teaching with our colleagues on various campuses to simulate the learning and teaching experience using HyFlex.

Workshop details

Date: Tuesday 14 February

Time: 2.30pm–3.30pm (AEDT)

North Sydney staff: Computer Lab 502.1.01. Register here on Staff Connect.

All other staff: Online via Zoom. Register here on Staff Connect.

Learning objectives

The learning objectives of the workshop include:

  • define HyFlex teaching
  • describe the advantages and disadvantages of HyFlex teaching
  • discuss strategies to prepare for teaching in HyFlex mode
  • find extra resources to assist with HyFlex at ACU.

To explore the full schedule of CEI workshops starting next Monday, please visit Professional Learning Workshops. Additional topics include setting up and running interactive online tutorials in Zoom and an introduction to Echo360 and creating quality video content.

Registration is required through Staff Connect. If you have any questions, please email CEI@acu.edu.au.

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