Learning opportunities in February

A range of learning opportunities are offered to maximise your development with a focus on building capability and providing career development opportunities.

Discover the opportunities that are available on your campus and online in February.

Register via the links below or visit the Learning Calendar to explore other learning opportunities.


Communication: Connect Through Conversation
Tuesday 7 February, 9.15am–1.15pm AEDT
All staff
Learn flexible communication skills that will help you balance heart and head in all types of conversations, whether communicating face to face, by phone or remotely.

Mental Health First Aid
Monday 13 February and Friday 17 February 9am–5pm AEDT
Audience: All staff
This program is designed for staff wanting to gain the skills and confidence to recognise and provide initial level assistance to others experiencing a mental health issue or crisis until the appropriate professional help is received or the crisis resolves. Please note, this workshop is completed over two days.

Coaching: Move People Forward
Wednesday 15 February, 9.15am–1.15pm AEDT
Audience: Supervisors
This course shows leaders how to flex their coaching approach to meet the unique needs of the people they’re coaching and guide them in successfully achieving a goal. Through self-insight tools, leaders explore their mindset toward others’ potential to grow and change as well as their own willingness to open up and disclose. Learn how to use simple, memorable coaching techniques that involve asking provocative questions, connecting at a human level and energising people into action.


Leading Teams Virtually
Wednesday 1 February, 10am–12pm AEDT
Audience: Supervisors
Throughout this workshop we’ll uncover the challenges of leading virtual teams and understand key factors that are detrimental to a team’s virtual performance.

Improve Time Management
Monday 6 February, 10am–12pm AEDT
Audience: All staff
Join this session to improve your productivity, including the use of time management strategies that become positive habits. You will have the opportunity to set yourself up for success by making these strategies part of your daily rituals and routines.

The Role of Chair
Wednesday 22 February, 1.30pm–2.45pm AEDT
Audience: Hiring managers
Gain a greater understanding of the end-to-end recruitment process and the role and responsibilities as the Selection Committee Chair, ensuring the process is equitable, transparent and timely and candidates have a positive experience.

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