New ClickView videos

ClickView, a leading provider of educational videos and support materials, plus broadcast TV, is now available to ACU staff and students.

Boasting an extensive in-house educational video collection, ACU's use of ClickView educational videos does not attract additional costs under our Screenrights licence. ClickView is already used extensively in the primary and secondary education sectors. 

ClickView, as the source for educational videos and TV broadcasts, replaces previously used databases TVNews and EduTV which have both now been discontinued. Instead, ACU now has access to three libraries of material within ClickView: Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary.

ACU's Screenrights Licence gives ACU licence to copy and provide broadcast material to students for educational purposes. This includes television shows from all the major broadcasters including Foxtel, as well as radio broadcasts and their subsequent podcasts. The use of broadcast videos does not attract additional costs under our Screenrights Licence.

To browse the ClickView collection, simply sign in with your ACU email address. To share a video with your students, you can save it to your workspace and then create an interactive video, a playlist, or a clip. All of these can be included as a link in a Leganto Reading list.

If you would like to know more about ClickView or join us for a training session with ClickView representatives on 9 February, please contact the library.

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