New ways of working with students

Now that works for the Microsoft 365 tenant migration project have completed, student and staff accounts reside in the same Microsoft tenant.

While it is still early days, there are several new ways that staff and students can interact. These functions were already possible between staff but will now also work between staff and students.

Emailing or scheduling a meeting with a student

To email or schedule a meeting with a student for the first time, you will need to type the full address into the To: field. Then, once you’ve emailed a student for the first time, Outlook should remember (cache) the address and auto-fill for easy use, without you having to enter the entire address every time.

Chatting with or calling students using Teams

Please note that students do not have access to the Chat or Call functions within Teams.

Students can collaborate with other students or staff inside of a Team through the Posts tab and Teams meetings.

More guidance on working with students will be provided in the future.

For more information or if you require assistance, please contact Service Central.

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