Canvas support in Service Central

You can now access a range of Service Central forms to submit requests, seek support and explore knowledge articles for Canvas.

The Centre for Education and Innovation are pleased to announce a range of new Canvas forms have been published on Service Central. These resources are accessible to all staff members and are aimed at providing direct support for Canvas-related requests.

Here's the new Canvas forms you can access:

Canvas Configuration Support and Advice
To request support configuring your new Canvas unit and for specific educational requirements within Canvas.

Canvas Non-Banner Unit Creation
To request the creation of Non-Banner Units, which are Canvas units that are not directly associated with specific Banner unit offerings.

Canvas Cross-Listing
To apply for different Canvas sites to those automatically created by ACU’s Banner to Canvas integration. The form allows you to describe the teaching context and requirements.

Canvas Section Management
To request the creation of a Section within your Canvas unit.

Canvas Unit Enrolment
To add yourself or another staff/vendor to a unit you/they are not currently enrolled in.

Additionally, new Canvas knowledge base articles covering a range of topics, including navigating Canvas features, accessing training and support, and other general queries, can also be found in the Service Central knowledge base.

For more information or to provide feedback/suggestions on forms, please contact our project team at

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