Changes to Student Survey Governance Framework

ACU’s Survey Governance Framework has been revised to ensure more consistent processes for the research of students. Learn more about the framework and how it should be applied.

Renamed the Survey, Interview and Focus Group Governance Framework, there are many changes to be aware of when facilitating research of ACU students. Read about the key changes to the framework implemented by the Centre for Education and Innovation (CEI) below.

Expanded scope

The scope of the framework has been expanded to capture interviews and focus groups in addition to surveys. This is to minimise the risk of over-researching students and to promote a clear and transparent methodology for the governance of research involving students as participants.

The Framework is now categorised by:

  • internal quality assurance surveys (service and feedback related)
  • institutional surveys (government endorsed surveys and national benchmarking surveys)
  • internal research (ACU staff and students)
  • external research.

Note: Surveys conducted as part of laboratory studies, classroom activities and student assessments are exempt from the approval process but must comply with all other procedures of the Framework. Research of prospective students, graduates or alumni are outside the scope of this framework.

Refined application process

Researchers may now submit their applications directly to, eliminating the need to consult the Student Communications Coordinator on the proposed communications strategy. This step is now internally managed by CEI, in consultation with Student Communications.

Research projects should first seek CEI endorsement via the Framework before proceeding for HREC approval.

Updated application form

To ensure all essential information is included in the application, please download the new version of the Application Form, which includes refined questions.

These updates reflect ACU’s commitment to the student experience whilst promoting a robust research culture and maintaining excellence in research endeavours.

We encourage all staff involved in research activities to familiarise themselves with the updated Survey, Interview and Focus Group Governance Framework and Application Form. To assist with identifying block out periods and potential clashes with your fieldwork dates, please refer to the Research Calendar.

Thank you to all parties that assisted in the consultation process of the Framework review.

If you have any questions regarding the framework, please reach out to

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