Prepare for Semester 2 with LEO webinars

The Centre for Education and Innovation is pleased to offer a range of professional learning opportunities from 17 July to 21 July 2023.

Live webinars

Please note, beginner sessions are designed for participants who are at beginner level or are new to ACU, while advanced sessions assume prior experience with using LEO.

Visit Professional Learning Workshops for further information. All staff must register through Staff Connect. If you experience any issues registering, please email

LEO snapshot videos
Self-paced units

Our suite of self-paced offerings provides opportunities to learn how to navigate LEO or refresh and enhance your existing skills.

We encourage you to explore the CEI Professional Learning Program (PLP), which has been created to support the ongoing learning interests and needs of staff engaged in teaching and learning. Determine the PLP Level applicable to your role, career stage and future pathway and discover relevant resources including Informal Learning, Reflective Practice and Collaboration opportunities, ACU Scholarship and Formal Coursework.

If you would like further information about the programs or wish to request a different professional learning opportunity on a learning or teaching topic for your school or faculty, contact

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