Academic Board digest

A summary of the Academic Board meeting held on 24 May 2023 is detailed below.

Chair of Academic Board’s update

Academic Board:

  • endorsed the revised amendments to Statute 2.6 – The Faculties, incorporating the addition of scholarships to section 2.6.10, for submission to the Senate Standing Committee.
  • discussed the Academic Board Risk Register and deferred approval to the next meeting.
  • noted ACU’s Artificial Intelligence response to Minister Tierney, April 2023.
  • noted the Chair of Academic Board Approvals.
Vice-Chancellor and President’s (VCP) update

The VCP updated members on the following matters:

  • acknowledged the efforts of the Faculty of Law and Business for progressing the School of Business’ internationally recognised accreditation with Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).
  • the appointment of Professor Anne Castles as a Laureate Fellow to the Faculty of Education and Arts’ new Australian Centre for the Advancement of Literacy (ACAL).
  • based on 2021 indicators, ACU was provisionally rated as low financial risk in its Provisional Annual Risk Assessment from the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) in early April.
  • issues arising from TEQSA’s Guidance Note on Research and Research Training.
  • the opening of the Library at ACU’s Blacktown Campus in March.
  • congratulated Professor Sandy Middleton, Director of the Nursing Research Institute, who has secured the following grants:
    • $2.5 million NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence (CRE) grant – Accelerate Stroke Trial Innovation and Translation.
    • as part of the team for $1.49 million NHMRC Partnership Project, to improve the health system’s response when patients are harmed.
  • the Federal Government’s recent budget announcement and its impact on universities.
Provost’s update

The Interim Provost reported on:

  • the university’s current enrolment and projected mid-year enrolment numbers.
  • the report’s faculty focus area, the Faculty of Theology and Philosophy.
  • Provost course concept and suspension April–May 2023.

Academic Board:

  • discussed and noted the Widening Participation Performance Report presented by Chris Riley, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Global & Education Pathways.
  • discussed and noted the Thematic Review of Post-Entry Language Support.
  • noted the 2022 Scholarships Annual Report.
  • discussed and noted the ACU Thrive model presented by Professor Anthony Whitty, Director, Centre for Education and Innovation (CEI).
Deputy Vice Chancellor, Research and Enterprise (DVCRE) update

The DVCRE reported:

  • the timeline for the Thematic Review in Research and Research Training report had been extended from the initial June date.
  • the increase in ACU’s grant applications by 40 per cent.
  • the quality number of ACU researchers recognised nationally and internationally.

Academic Board:

  • discussed a presentation from the DVCRE titled Partnering for Excellence and Impact.
Deputy Vice Chancellor, Ethics (DVCE) update

The DVCE reported:

  • the Thematic Review of the First Peoples Directorate was due to commence.
  • Institute of Child Protection Studies (ICPS) – National Health and Medical Research (NHMRC) was funding the Australian Child Maltreatment Study.

Janet Fletcher, Director of Libraries reported on:

  • the focus of the impact of the Recovery Transition Budget (RTB) on ACU’s libraries, including a review of the current service model.
  • the benchmarking study of other university libraries.
  • the importance of maintaining a suitably funded resources budget.

Academic Board noted the ACU Campus Optimisation Progress Report, presented by Paul Campbell, Director, Campus Leadership.

Reporting Committees
1. Courses and Academic Quality Committee (CAQC)

Academic Board:

  • noted the Report of the Chair of the CAQC, dated 11 May 2023.
  • approved the New Course: Bachelor of Arts (Western Civilisation) (Honours).
  • approved the Course Review of the Bachelor of Global Studies double degrees:
    • Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Global Studies
    • Bachelor of Business Administration/Bachelor of Global Studies
    • Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Global Studies
    • Bachelor of Applied Public Health/Bachelor of Global Studies
    • Bachelor of Theology/Bachelor of Global Studies
    • Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Global Studies
    • Bachelor of Laws (Honours)/Bachelor of Global Studies
  • approved the Course Review:
    • Master of Education
    • Graduate Certificate in Education
  • approved the Course Review:
    • Bachelor of Educational Studies
    • Diploma in Educational Studies (Tertiary Preparation)
    • Diploma in Educational Studies (Tertiary Preparation) (Away from Base)
    • Certificate in Educational Studies
  • approved the Major Course Change:
    • Bachelor of Education (Primary)
    • Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary)
    • Bachelor of Education (Primary and Secondary)
    • Bachelor of Education (Primary and Special Education)
  • approved the Major Course Change:
    • Master of Teaching (Early Childhood and Primary)
    • Master of Teaching (Early Childhood and Primary)/Graduate Certificate in Religious Education
    • Master of Teaching (Primary)
    • Master of Teaching (Primary)/Graduate Certificate in Religious Education
  • approved the Course Discontinuation: Graduate Certificate in Safeguarding Children and Young People
  • approved the Course Discontinuation: Graduate Certificate in Contemporary Literacies
  • approved the New Microcredentials UNMC501 and UNMC502 for FEA Microcredential Suite
  • approved the Major Course Change (PR000397): Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (Birth to Five Years) (Accelerated)
  • approved the New Course: Graduate Diploma in Psychology for ACU Online
  • approved the Course Review: Master of Leadership and Management in Healthcare
  • approved the Major Course Change (for ACU Online):
    • Master of Leadership and Management in Healthcare
    • Graduate Diploma in Leadership and Management in Healthcare
    • Graduate Certificate in Leadership and Management in Healthcare
  • approved the Course Review:
    • Master of Health Administration
    • Graduate Diploma in Health Administration
    • Graduate Certificate in Health Administration
  • approved the Major Course Change:
    • Master of Health Professional Education
    • Graduate Diploma in Health Professional Education
    • Graduate Certificate in Health Professional Education
  • approved the Major Course Change: Graduate Certificate in Religious Education for ACU Online
  • noted the Student Experience and Outcomes Report 1 2023
  • noted the minutes.
2. Student Administrative Lifecycle and Policy Committee

Academic Board:

  • noted the SALPC Chair’s report
  • endorsed the 2023 Foundation Studies Entry Requirements
  • noted the 2022 Student Complaints Report
  • noted the 2022 Student Appeals Report
  • noted the 2022 Use of Savings Clause Report
  • noted the International Admissions Report February 2023
  • noted the 2023 Main Round Domestic Admissions Report.
3. University Learning and Teaching Committee (ULTC)

Academic Board noted the minutes.

4. University Research Committee (URC)

Academic Board:

  • approved the Faculty of Health Sciences Strategic Research Plan (2023–2027)
  • noted the minutes.
5. Faculty Boards

Academic Board noted the minutes and updates.

Data, Analytics and Strategic Insights (DASI)

Academic Board noted the ACU Renewal of Registration Readiness Report presented by Dalton Langenhoven, National Manager, Quality Assurance and Standards.

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