Student Advocacy information sessions

Semester 1 results will be released on 30 June 2023. Please encourage students who may have concerns about their results to attend an information session on receiving results and academic progress.

At the end of semester, many students are feeling a sense of relief that they made it through. However, along with that relief often comes stress, particularly for students who are concerned about their grades.

If you have students who are concerned about their academic performance, we encourage you to let them know about these upcoming information sessions.

Receiving results information session

These online presentations will include:

  • options regarding results, including fail grades
  • the process of submitting an appeal
  • supplementary assessment
  • information regarding re-credit of unit/s and refund of fees in special circumstances.

Receiving results sessions

Academic progress information session

These online presentations will include:

  • at risk notification
  • show cause notification
  • termination of enrolment notification
  • an overview of ACU support services.

Academic progress sessions

Attending these sessions and reaching out to appropriate support services can make a real difference for students who are struggling. With the right support and resources, students have better chance to succeed and thrive at university.

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