ACU Global Learning Showcase

Attend an online Global Learning Showcase to meet the Global Learning team, gain useful advice and find out how our various learning and engagement programs are developed and managed.

As travel levels resume, many ACU staff are either new to the learning abroad space or may have been away from it for a couple of years. Regardless of your experience with international programs, the Global Learning team would like to give all ACU staff an overview of the various areas of ACU’s global engagement as well as useful advice for future program development.

Register ACU Global Learning Showcase Thursday, 4 May 4 10.30am–3pm

The Showcase will include topics such as:

  • inbound study abroad and exchange
  • outbound programs - semester exchange and short-term international study experiences
  • new Colombo Plan funding
  • ACU Rome campus
  • partnership development and agreements.

Please join us for a 10.30am start. Each presentation will be scheduled to run for approximately 30 minutes with a lunch break at 12.30pm–1.30pm. To re-join a session, simply click the link. 

The Showcase will be recorded for anyone who is unable to attend.

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