Understanding procurement and purchasing processes

See the TechOne P2P work instruction videos and modern slavery training modules which have been created to help grow your understanding of the subject matter, your responsibilities and the processes involved.

Procure to Pay (P2P) training videos

In line with the new Procure to Pay TechOne process, all invoices which require payment now require a purchase requisition and approved purchase order before they can be sent to Accounts Payable for payment.

Training videos in TechOne P2P work instructions have been created to help share an understanding of the process. These videos provide step by step details of the process to complete the task.

Where can I find the Procure to Pay (P2P) instructions and training videos?

Modern slavery training modules

ACU is committed to minimising the effects of modern slavery and human trafficking in our university supply chains and the communities in which we operate.

We continue to use training modules developed with the Australian Catholic Anti-Slavery Network (ACAN) to educate all those who make purchasing and procurement decisions across the university on the broad requirements of anti-slavery measures and activities. We also make these modules available for all vendors and suppliers who deal with ACU.

To access, please go to the Professional Learning Hub. From the home page choose the Quality and Risk tile and locate Modern Slavery, then select self-enrol to launch the two current modules:

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