Staff printers to be reduced in December

ACU’s reliance on printing has decreased significantly over the past five years. This highlights an opportunity to save costs and encourage further sustainability actions by removing 60 per cent of on-campus staff printers. Have your say on proposed changes.

As a reflection of ACU’s commitment to sustainability and embracing digital collaboration tools, data shows that ACU’s printers are operating at an average capacity of 11 per cent, per printer. As a result, 60 per cent of printers at ACU will soon be removed to save approximately $400,000 in printer costs annually and continue encouraging sustainable behaviours.

We'll also be helping the environment by reducing our energy use by 15,144 kWh per year.

What does this mean for me?

You can help us realise the benefits of this change by rethinking your need to print and walking further to print your documents if required. We’ve made sure that convenience and time-to-device is practical for most staff.

Where can I find information on which printers will be removed?

You can find floor plans detailing the printers to be removed/retained on the IT Sharepoint site, along with the supporting data guiding this initiative.

When will this occur?

Printer reduction will commence in early December.

How can I give feedback?

We understand that there may be some unique operational requirements that would be significantly impacted by the removal of a nearby printer. If you feel that your area has legitimate operational requirements, you can submit your feedback during the consultation period between 8-22 November. Note that some inconvenience is anticipated and is not considered an operational requirement.

Where can I get more information?

You can find more information on the Sustainable Printing Service Central article or contact Service Central directly.


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