My feedback

Later this week, you’ll be able to access your feedback surveys via a new section on the Service Central portal. Tell us about your service experience.

Providing feedback about your Service Central experience is one of the easiest and most valuable ways for you to contribute to improving how services are delivered at ACU.

It provides an opportunity for you to let the service delivery teams know about your experience (good or bad) so we can learn what is and isn’t working.

Each time you make an enquiry or submit a request with Service Central, you’re given the opportunity to complete a short survey to provide feedback. Until now, these surveys have only been accessed by the email you receive when the request is resolved and can sometimes be forgotten or missed in the course of your busy day.

What’s changing?

You'll soon be able to access the new My Feedback section from a header of the Service Central portal (pictured below). Here is where you'll be able to see and complete any surveys associated with your Service Central requests.

Each survey will remain open for two weeks after your request or enquiry is resolved. Every completed survey is reviewed by the Service Central and service delivery teams to help them review their processes and make improvements if necessary.

Positive feedback acknowledges good work, but remember, negative feedback is valuable too. We need to know what isn’t working so we can address it.

A recent example of improvements implemented based on feedback is parcel delivery services at ACU. The parcel delivery service was reviewed based on your feedback and process improvements have resulted in a reduced number of lost parcels.

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