R U OK? webinars

R U OK? Day is a national day of action to remind everyone to check in regularly and ask friends, family members and colleagues, “R U OK?” and let them know, “I’m here to hear”. 

Often, it can be hard to know how someone is feeling and, although it’s a simple question, “R U OK?” can still be a tough one to ask. To help, our EAP provider AccessEAP is offering three on-demand webinars for the months of September through December to help you ask R U OK? in order to support colleagues and others in need. 

R U OK? Essentials

R U OK? Essentials is a one-hour webinar for anyone new to the R U OK? concept or who may need a refresher.

Topics covered include:

  • overview of the four-step R U OK? conversation
  • noticing change in someone and preparing to have the conversation
  • improving your emotional intelligence
  • keeping the conversation going
  • where to access further support and resources.

Access the R U OK? Essentials webinar until December 31

R U OK? Advanced

R U OK? Advanced is a one-hour webinar for anyone who is familiar with the R U OK? concept and approach but wants to go a little deeper, especially when the conversation throws up some challenges.

Topics covered include:

  • a summary of the four-step R U OK? conversation
  • how to respond to someone who doesn’t want help
  • how to respond to anger
  • how to respond to grief and sadness
  • how to respond to someone who is at risk
  • where to access further support and resources.

Access the R U OK? Advanced webinar until December 31

Accidental Counsellor

Accidental Counsellor is a 30-minute webinar which looks at the ‘opposite’ of an R U OK? conversation. It addresses situations where work colleagues, family, friends or even students may reach-out to us for support and where we need to respond ‘in the moment’, when there may not be a professional immediately available. Topics covered include:

  • what is an accidental counsellor
  • understanding the challenges of being an accidental counsellor
  • the key principles to stick to help manage an accidental counsellor situation
  • how to use the CLEAR Model framework to navigate an accidental counsellor conversation
  • practicing the skills of an accidental counsellor
  • where you can go for support.

Access the Accidental Counsellor webinar until December 31

Further assistance and resources

For more information, guidance and useful resources visit R U OK? Support and resources are also available via our Employee Assistance Program or Campus Ministry.

If urgent professional support is needed, please contact:

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