Study Italian in Rome application extended

Students now have additional time to express their interest to study the Italian language at our Rome Campus in January 2024 as part of ACU's Summer Teaching Period. 

Final date for expressions of interest is now Friday 22 September.

The program will be open to students at the undergraduate level from all faculties.

The proposed unit of study available will be Introductory Italian (ITAN101). Students will complete the first part of the unit online in Australia, then travel to Rome to live, study and further develop their Italian language skills at our Rome Campus.

We are also offering the opportunity for students to extend their stay in Rome to study the Core Curriculum unit, Justice and Change in a Global World (UNCC300).

Students gain credit towards their degree and will be among the first students to live and learn at ACU Campus di Roma, located centrally in the picturesque Trastevere district and close to historical and cultural sites, eateries and the Vatican City.

This represents a great opportunity for those who wish to learn a language and immerse themselves in the Italian culture.

Please share this with your students.

Important details

Some important details to note:

  • Students begin their studies in the Italian language and receive 10 credit points as part of the Diploma in Languages or as an approved elective in their Bachelor degree.
  • Students study the Italian language with opportunities to use the language first-hand with Italian-speaking communities.
  • Students learn about a range of topics including the history and geography of Rome, religion in Ancient Rome, art, politics, and more.
  • Students will immerse themselves in Italian culture and all that Rome has to offer, with opportunities to explore historical and cultural sites.

When: summer teaching period, 27 November 2023 to 26 January 2024 
Who: open to ACU students from all Faculties (with approved electives)
Cost: based on 15 students, estimate of costs is approximately $3600 (not including airfares, visas and personal travel). Students may be eligible for the Vice Chancellor and President’s Learning Abroad Grant and the OS-HELP Loan.
How: Students should complete the SIRS expression of interest form by the deadline of Friday 22 September.

Please note that there are limited places available. 


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