Online EndNote training

Attend an introductory and/or advanced EndNote workshop and learn how to better manage references and build bibliographies for theses and research papers.

ACU staff and students can download EndNote for free. View our EndNote guide for details.

Introduction to EndNote 21

When: Tuesday 5 March (AEDT) 10.30am-12.00pm

Introduction to EndNote 21 training is recommended for researchers, academics, and postgraduate students. This webinar will cover how to: 

  • set up an EndNote library
  • export references from a library database
  • find full text and attach PDF files
  • search, sort, and group references
  • choose a referencing style to use with EndNote
  • use EndNote with Microsoft Word to insert citations and create a bibliography.

Bookings can be made via Library training and events and are essential. Places are limited.

Advanced EndNote for staff and researchers

When: Tuesday 23 April 10.30am – 12.00pm

This session is designed for EndNote users who want to learn some of the advanced features of EndNote to save time and avoid common problems. Participants should already have a reasonable working knowledge of EndNote software. Participants are encouraged to ask questions and share their experiences of using EndNote.

This webinar will cover functions including:

  • using advanced functions (such as deduplication, research notes and smart groups) to manage literature or systematic reviews
  • working with long documents such as theses
  • syncing and sharing EndNote libraries
  • downloading and modifying an EndNote output style
  • journal title abbreviations using terms lists.

Bookings can be made via Library training and events and are essential. Places are limited.


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