A time for reflection

A message from Vice President Fr Anthony Casamento csma:

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” Ecclesiastes 3:1-11.

I love the variation of the seasons and am grateful for the season of winter that we have just begun. I often think that when you live somewhere where you don’t get to experience the fullness of the seasons, you are missing out on the flow of nature, something God created to demonstrate His wisdom and love.

Now I know a lot of you will be saying, “I wouldn’t miss winter. It is just too cold and damp for me”. But the earth needs the time for rest. The soil and plants recuperate during this season. They are literally being prepared to handle another trip around the sun.

So here we are in winter 2024 and like the ground resting, so should we. I like to think of winter as a time of 'reflection’. Time to look more closely and examine the path and direction of our lives. Maybe we need to also look at the areas we are sowing in our life. Are we placing to much of ourselves in certain areas? Do we need to rethink where we are planting? Is it time to rotate the crops in our lives, like our work habits, our prayer time, and the priorities we make for our lives?

Winter gives us time to look and reflect. Remember, God included reflection in the system so we could examine what is important. As we begin our winter journey this year, let’s look at our lives, let’s reflect and then imagine what could happen in the springtime.

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