ACU market insights

Register to attend two webinars to gain insights on our latest research findings into the non-school leaver market, see why students may choose to decline a place they are offered and learn reasons why students may leave before the census date.

Presented by the ACU Market Insights team in the Marketing and External Relations directorate, see what it all means, how we can better understand the needs of our cohorts, and discuss next steps in improving our attractiveness to these important markets.

New lapsed offer and attrition dashboard

The ACU Market Insights team in Marketing and External Relations (MER) produces an annual survey into why students offered a place choose to decline that offer (lapsed offer), and also why students leave before census (attrition).

The team are excited to share that these results are now available for all staff to view via a dashboard.

Register to attend a virtual presentation of this dashboard where you’ll be shown all the available data, search options and what it all means.

Please join us on Wednesday 17 July, 12pm – 1pm

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Non-school leavers market analysis

Non-school leavers comprise almost 50 per cent of commencing domestic enrolments each year, but ACU currently under-indexes in attracting this cohort compared with our competitors. In addition, non-school leavers are more likely to belong to one of the four equity groups identified in the recent Universities Accord – low socio economic status (SES), reside in regional and remote areas, be of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent, and those students with a disability.

Given ACU’s widening participation agenda, it’s crucial to understand the needs of this cohort. You’re invited to attend a presentation of our latest research findings into the non-school leaver market.

Please join us on Thursday 18 July, 12pm – 1pm

Register to attend 

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