IDAHOBIT events on campus

You're invited to morning tea hosted by the Ally Network, Student Life and our campus LGBTIQA+ societies.

The Ally Network and Student Life are teaming up to offer staff and students a chance to enjoy a baked treat and a chat on each campus.

Friday 17 May is IDAHOBIT: the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia. The date commemorates when, in 1990, the World Health Organization declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder. Now it is a day to renew a shared commitment to stand up against homophobia, biphobia and transphobia and to affirm members of the LGBTIQA+ community.           

Please note, most morning teas are happening earlier in the week to make sure the most people can attend.

On-campus event details

As always, we encourage everyone to BYO their reusable coffee cup, and a friendly reminder that rainbow paraphernalia is entirely welcome. 

  • Ballarat: Thursday 16 May, 11am - Forbes Student Centre
  • Blacktown: Thursday 16 May, 10.30am - Ground Floor
  • Brisbane: Thursday 16 May, 10.30am - Library
  • Canberra: Wednesday 22 May, 11am - Veritas Courtyard
  • Melbourne: Thursday 16 May, 11am - Staff Hub, level 7 St Teresa of Kolkata Building
  • North Sydney: Thursday 16 May, 10.30am - Ryan Foyer
  • Strathfield: Thursday 16 May, 10am - Quad

For more information about IDAHOBIT or the events on your campus, please contact

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