R U Ok?

Tomorrow is R U OK? Day - a national day of action dedicated to caring for others and fostering a sense of community. It encourages us to check in with those around us and ask “are you (really) ok”? ACU is committed to staff health and wellbeing and has resources available to help you start the conversation.

Strategies that can help you address mental health and wellbeing at ACU: 

  1. Encourage check-ins with your colleagues which can open the door to meaningful conversations.

  2. Look for signs and be observant of changes in others. 

  3. Encourage meaningful dialogue by asking open-ended questions. For example, you might ask ‘How have you been doing lately?’.  

  4. Listen actively.

  5. Encourage the seeking of professional support where needed.  

  6. Follow up by checking in again to show care. 

If you would like to feel more confident or informed about recognising when someone is at risk and having thoughts of suicide, and how to respond and keep them safe, ACU supports all staff by offering free training with LivingWorks Start. You can sign up for the training by registering here.

There may also be aspects of work that are affecting either you or a colleague’s psychological health ranging from workload, the work environment, or workplace interactions or behaviours. Speak with your supervisor who can offer support and help to address issues.

Don’t forget that your own mental health is important too. Remember to practice self-care, stress reduction techniques, and seeking help and support when needed. 

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