Do you have a spare hour to welcome students?

The Student Experience team invites all members of staff – professional and academic – to welcome new students to their campus and into the ACU community at the start of semester one 2025.

Welcome Zones, an initiative from the Student Experience team, will operate on all campuses during Orientation and weeks 1 and 2 of semester. These zones will be placed where incoming students can ask questions, seek guidance, or simply make a connection. They will be run by friendly and knowledgeable ACU staff volunteers, ably supported by student mentors, and will ensure the sometimes daunting transition to university becomes a little easier.

Student Veteran Services Liaison Elaine Rotor, who is based in Melbourne, is a long-time volunteer known about campus for her energy and enthusiasm. She has experienced the personal benefits of offering time for worthy causes within ACU and in her broader community. “Volunteering gives you the opportunity to address your empathy for others,” says Elaine. “Being helpful is the reward.”

For students new to the university environment, there are often questions or concerns which don’t need to be addressed by AskACU. Sometimes all that is required is a friendly face and the opportunity to chat. As Elaine notes when reflecting on the benefits of volunteering: “it’s about putting your own needs aside and giving selflessly to benefit others. You bring your personality and capabilities to serve the common good.”

Elaine assists students with tasks such as writing applications, which is outside the scope of her official duties. “It’s how you build the foundation of a community,” she says. “Everyone should carve out time to give.”

Staff are asked to volunteer just an hour or two of their time at Orientation Day, or during week one or two of semester, for the Welcome Zone on their local campus. It’s easy to sign up. You can indicate your interest via the sign-up sheet: staff volunteers for Welcome Zones

You’ll experience the fulfilment of easing the transition to university for a new student and of building that wonderful community spirit which sets ACU apart. Come join us!

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