Casual conversion process

The second phase of legislative changes under the Federal Closing the Loopholes No.2 Act came into effect on 26 February 2025. Accordingly, a new Employee Choice Pathway is now in place, meaning that all casual staff at ACU who may want to seek conversion to ongoing employment will be required to give the university written notice.

If applicable, casual staff are asked to submit the Casual Conversion Application form in Service Central to commence this process. Eligibility for conversion requires the casual staff member to be continuously employed at ACU for six months or more, and casual staff will be asked to provide supplementary information that shows how they no longer meet the definition of a casual employee under the Fair Work Act 2009.

Once the completed form has been submitted the university will consult with the staff member and respond to their application within 21 calendar days.

Information for supervisors

Supervisors seeking advice on the changes to the casual conversion process can contact People and Capability by submitting a Service Central general enquiry.

If your team members are enquiring about the process to convert to ongoing employment, please refer them to the Casual Conversion Application form.

More information

For more information, please refer to the Service Central knowledge article.

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