Celebrating Harmony Week

Harmony Week (17 - 23 March) is an annual celebration that recognises Australia’s diversity and brings together people from all different backgrounds. It is an opportunity to focus on inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone – values that closely align with ACU’s Mission and Vision.

The message of Harmony Week is simple: everyone belongs.

Harmony Week also coincides with the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on 21 March, highlighting the importance of promoting equality, respect, and inclusiveness across all communities.

Australia’s cultural diversity

Did you know:

  • More than half (51.5 per cent) of Australian residents were born overseas or have at least one parent who was.
  • Since 1945, more than 7.6 million people have migrated to Australia.
  • Nearly every single country from around the world was represented in Australia's population in 2020.
  • More than 150 Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander languages are spoken in Australia.
  • Apart from English, the most common languages spoken in Australia are Mandarin, Arabic, Vietnamese, Cantonese and Punjabi.
  • We identify with over 300 ancestries.
    This information has been taken from ABS 2021 Census Data.

Looking for ways to celebrate?

To ensure everyone can join in at work, the week of celebrations has been extended until 18 April to accommodate for colleagues who may be observing Ramadan.

Here are some ideas to bring Harmony Week to life with your colleagues:

Morning tea: Nothing brings people together like food! Organise a shared morning tea where colleagues bring a dish representing their cultural heritage or a country they’ve recently visited. Virtual morning teas are a great alternative for remote teams. Be sure to choose a date that maximises participation and ensure the event is inclusive for everyone.

Photo competition: Encourage colleagues to capture photos around ACU that reflect diversity, inclusiveness, respect, and belonging. Share your photos in the ACU Photos Workplace group using the hashtag #HarmonyWeek.

Go orange: Orange is the official colour of Harmony Week, symbolising social communication, meaningful conversations, and mutual respect. Decorate your workstation, even your office and wear your favourite orange clothing to celebrate!

Team recipe book: Showcase your team’s cultural diversity by creating a recipe book. Ask colleagues to share their favourite recipes from their cultural heritage or recent travels. Bring the recipes to life by cooking the dishes and don’t forget to share photos with your team of your creations.

World map activity: Learn more about your colleagues’ backgrounds with a world map activity. Print out a map (or use a virtual one) and let colleagues place pins marking their country of origin or cultural connections.

Opportunity for growth: Interested in understanding more about diversity and inclusion in the workplace? Explore our diversity-focussed learning opportunities available in the Learning Calendar.

Share your celebrations!
We’d love to see how you’re celebrating Harmony Week! Share your plans, photos, and stories on ACU Workplace using the hashtags #CelebratingInclusion and #HarmonyWeek.

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