Vice-Chancellor teaches Core Curriculum Unit in Rome

Vice-Chancellor Professor Greg Craven teaching a unit at the Rome Centre.

Professor Greg Craven, ACU’s Vice-Chancellor and President, recently took time out of his busy Rome schedule of meetings to teach ACU students currently undertaking the Core Curriculum Unit UNCC300 at the Rome Centre.

Addressing the topic Human Dignity and the Law Professor Craven spoke about the concept of human dignity as understood by the law and outlined the benefits and challenges that come with an understanding of the notion of human dignity when viewed through the lens of the judicial system.

Referencing the Australian Constitution, the UN Declaration of Human Rights and other international treaties, Professor Craven challenged the ACU students to consider understandings of human dignity that also had to confront challenges to definitions of Human Rights and Freedom of Speech.

Following the lecture, Professor Craven, his wife Anne and Archbishop Zani (Secretary for the Congregation for Catholic Education) and Mons. Guy-Real Thriverge  joined the ACU students for lunch at the ACU/CUA Rome Centre.

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