How you can support reconciliation

Reconciliation is everyone’s responsibility.

ACU’s Reconciliation Action Plan 2019-2021 aims to drive forward our contribution to reconciliation both internally and within the wider community.

At ACU we want to be the University of choice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and staff.

Our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) is a way to facilitate this and everyone has the responsibility to get involved.

There are key actions and deliverables included in the plan and no matter your role within the University you will be able to support and engage with the RAP.

Consider how you can support the RAP by taking some of the practical steps below.

Support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander events

Attend and support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander events on campus, ie Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC celebrations.

Cultural Awareness Training

National Manager, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Shae Cubillo offers Cultural Awareness Training for staff on ACU campuses. All staff are encouraged to undertake this training.

Acknowledgement of Country

Ensure Acknowledgements of Country are delivered before events and meetings.

View curricula from an Indigenous perspective

Staff on curricula review panels should examine curricula from an Indigenous Knowings lens and engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander academics and the Learning and Teaching Centre for further insight.

Read ACU’s Reconciliation Action Plan 2019-2021.

To learn more about how you can support the RAP, please contact ISSP Project Officer Erin Dougherty on (07) 3861 6127 or

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