Student-initiated enrolment forms moving online

In February 2021, as part of the EPiC (Enrolment: Planning to Completion) project, six common student-initiated enrolment forms will be moving to Service Central to provide a simpler and more consistent experience for staff and students.

The online forms will replace the existing PDF forms and will be managed via a Service Central workflow, making it easier for students to track the progress of their applications, and for staff to manage and monitor the volume of student-initiated enquiries.

Student-initiated enrolment forms moving online

The enrolment forms moving online:

  • PRQ: Prerequisite waiver form
  • AX: Application for Cross Institutional Study
  • WW: Application to Withdraw without Academic Penalty
  • RC: Right of Correction
  • LAU: Late Addition of Unit
  • Application to increase credit point limit (new form)

The data collected and the approval roles will remain unchanged.

Training will be available in February, prior to the release of the forms.

Application for Credit (Recognition of Prior Learning) Form

Work is also about to commence on the development of a new tool for managing credit applications that will include:

  • a searchable database of credit precedents
  • an online credit application form supported by workflow.

It is anticipated that this will be rolled out mid-2021, in time for 2022 applications.

If you have any questions about online enrolment forms, please contact Sue Cole.

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