The functionality of your Progress Plan

Take a further look into the functionality of your Progress Plan and how this improves the performance review and planning process.

These features will be considered for inclusion in other Staff Connect forms and workflows.

Features and functionality of the Staff Connect Progress Plan
  • Tabs across the top and bottom of the page for easy navigation between each page. The page you are working in is highlighted in red with no need to click ‘save’ or ‘next’ when navigating between the pages.

  • Information and help bubbles give you the option to click and view further information, examples, instructions and links relating to a section or table.

  • If the Position Description (PD) exists electronically, this will be viewable from the Progress Plan when opened. Over time all PD’s will become available as part of the Staff Connect Recruitment module.

  • A Strategic Plan quick reference guide will be available within the Progress Plan.

  • Essential position attributes of a role will automatically display. This may include any regulatory requirements such as Working with Children Checks and Protected Disclosures Training.

  • You will now be able to apply for a course from within the Progress Plan and see your training transcript listing your ACU development history.
  • You and your supervisor can interact electronically with continuous two-way feedback. Your supervisor will have visibility of your plan and can provide you with feedback at any time.

  • You and your supervisor will both receive periodic reminders.
  • Some data will be pre-populated for efficiency. This will include position details, a Capability Development Framework (CDF) achievement level and any development you choose to continue.

  • Quality data will help the university easily identify areas of future development and training needs.

  • The Academic Performance Matrices and Evidence (APME) Framework and the ACU Capability Development Framework (CDF) by pathway and level is a new usable resource It brings together the alignment of the APME performance standards, and the expectations and behaviours of the CDF. This will support conversations between you and your supervisor when identifying academic development opportunities.
Stay informed

Further information regarding changes to performance review and planning, specifically information regarding transition to the Progress Plan in Staff Connect, training and roll-out will be shared over the coming weeks.

The best way to keep informed is by joining the Workplace groups Staff Connect Updates and Human Resources Updates.

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