AskACU frequently asked questions

Do you have a frequently asked question that could be added to the AskACU FAQs?

AskACU is committed to building online FAQs that help students find answers to their questions. We aim to enhance the student experience by providing up-to-date, accurate and timely information which is accessible to students 24/7.

It's important that we work together to support our students from their first application to ACU right through to their graduation ceremony and beyond. You too can contribute to the wealth of knowledge that is viewed by thousands of students each month, and the demand for information continues to grow.

Adding a question to the FAQs

Send your frequently asked question and answer to using the subject line 'New AskACU FAQ'. Remember to include any related web links.

Your newly created article will then be added to the AskACU FAQs

This will assist student self-service, support the student lifecycle and potentially help to reduce questions to your department.

If you can’t think of an FAQ right now, keep AskACU in mind for any new information that would benefit our students.

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