Call for volunteers

A new NHMRC funded study is investigating new and improved treatment pathways in order to reduce the health burden and costs associated with common musculoskeletal conditions.

The study is being conducted over 12 months by researchers from universities in New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria and Western Australia, including ACU.

Volunteers who experience neck pain (or whiplash), low back pain and knee osteoarthritis are invited to participate. The aim of the study is to reduce the health burden and costs associated with these conditions.

Participants are required to complete an online questionnaire at the start, followed by further questionnaires at three, six and 12 months after the initial assessment.

Participants will be allocated to one of two assessment groups; one group will be treated by their usual doctor or health professional as required, the other group will be given treatment based on their responses to the questionnaires, with care provided by their primary care provider and/or a specialist provider.

Participant benefits:

Participants will receive two $25 vouchers - one after the three-month questionnaire, and another after the 12-month questionnaire.


  • have sought healthcare within the last four weeks
  • neck pain or whiplash (18-65 years old)
  • non-specific low back pain (18-65 years old)
  • knee osteoarthritis (over 45 years old and have not undergone or due to receive joint replacement surgery)
  • no confirmed fractures or dislocations at the time of injury.

Register your interest

People interested in participating, confirming their eligibility or learning more about the study can contact:

Ms Sonia Coates- Research Assistant
Phone: +61 2 97392278

This study has been approved by The University of Sydney Human Research Ethics Committee [Approval No. 2018/926]

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