Get ready for teaching grants

Teaching Development Grants (TDGs) provide opportunities for ACU staff to engage in teaching development projects around current institutional and faculty priorities. The grants contribute to innovations in learning and teaching and the development of resources and frameworks for good practice. The outcomes also advance the scholarship of learning and teaching.  TDGs are open to individuals or teaching teams for projects designed to enhance student learning at the university. 

All applications are assessed by the ACU Awards and Grants Committee, chaired by the DVC (Education and Innovation). The process is competitive, and applications must align to one or more of the priority areas and will be judged against the criteria outlined in the guidelines. The deadline for submission of grant applications for 2020 is Monday 10 August.

The Learning and Teaching Centre (LTC) is pleased to announce that there are two groups of grants for 2020 as described below:

Priority areas for 2020 grants submitted for Group 1: 

  • Using technology to improve the student experience and enhance teaching practice. 
  • Work-integrated learning, including developing enterprise and entrepreneurial skills, to enhance student employability. 
  • Innovative strategies for facilitating student progression, retention, success and completion rates. 
  • Assessment to promote student learning.
  • Integrating Catholic Intellectual Tradition into the curriculum, particularly focusing on sustainability as an expression of the stewardship of creation.

Priority areas for 2020 grants submitted for Group 2:

  • Create a culturally appropriate, relevant, safe and inclusive teaching and learning environment within ACU for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.
  • Produce culturally competent graduates with the skills and attributes needed to deliver comprehensive services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities.

The Teaching Development Grants (TDG) Scheme is open to ACU teaching staff or teaching teams (including professional staff). It is important to read the ACU Teaching Development Grant guidelines and discuss your plans with your head of school, your associate dean, Learning and Teaching (or equivalent) or the director of your unit (whichever is appropriate) and obtain their support before you prepare your project proposal.

The 2020 ACU Teaching Development Grant Guidelines and other resources are now available on the Learning and Teaching website.

For further information please contact the Awards and Grants team via: awards&

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