Promoting the SELT survey to students

The Student Evaluation of Learning and Teaching (SELT) surveys for Semester 1 units opened on Monday 5 October 2020.

The Learning and Teaching Centre is seeking your support in promoting the SELT surveys to help achieve adequate survey response rates and meaningful feedback so that the data collected is reliable and valid.

Teaching staff are vital in promoting the SELT survey by talking with students about the importance of feedback, how it is used, and how it has helped improve the quality of units at ACU.

The Learning and Teaching webpage has resources to assist in encouraging students to give positive, constructive feedback on their learning experiences.

Watch this animation on promoting constructive feedback, and download a SELT Promotions PowerPoint from the resources page. These can be shared in class or added to LEO sites.

For more information on the SELT survey and to organise an online class visit, please contact or visit the Learning and Teaching webpage.

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