Introducing Intelliboard

The Learning and Teaching Centre proudly present a new reporting feature in LEO: Intelliboard. 

Intelliboard offers ACU teaching staff a range of reports that can help to:

  • track and improve learner engagement with data to help you keep your students focused and to inform your teaching approaches
  • identify at-risk learners using data about student visits to your LEO unit pages, resources, and activities.

Intelliboard gives you a more detailed view of what your students engage with most, including when students access materials online and how much time they spend on individual activities.

You can now observe when your students are active during any given week! This can inform your communications, moderation of activities and decision about when to deploy a new activity or assessment.

Intelliboard will give you the ability to compare units you taught from semester to semester. With this historical profile, you will have the unique opportunity to identify trends across cohorts and over time.

Intelliboard dashboard
Learn more

Visit the LEO Guides for Intelliboard.

Be on the lookout for upcoming webinars and online drop-in sessions for Intelliboard on the staff notice block on the LEO homepage.


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