Updates to ACU Service Catalogue

The ACU Service Catalogue is a tool to help you understand who does what at ACU. It lists the professional services delivered across ACU, and the portfolio or service lead responsible for defining and delivering each service.

ACU has undergone significant organisational change in the last couple of years. It is best practice to maintain a current service catalogue that accurately lists the professional services delivered across ACU.

This new update to the Service Catalogue reflects the following changes:

  • structural changes that reflect change plans and movements of services across portfolios
  • identification of additional services to reflect the services delivered by new teams and functions
  • name changes to directorates/portfolios.

Download the updated catalogue to understand the services offered at the university and the directorates/portfolios responsible for delivering these services.

How to provide feedback

A good service catalogue should reflect the services you offer in your role and the services you rely on in your daily work.

The service leads listed in the catalogue are regularly asked to review and confirm the details of the service category for which they are responsible to ensure it adequately describes the scope of the service category. The Service Improvement Team (SIT) facilitates regular updates to the Service Catalogue and maintains the current version.

If you have feedback on Service Catalogue content, please contact the relevant service lead in the first instance. That person will then liaise with the SIT to update the version available on the staff website as required.


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