MOU with Order of Malta

ACU and the Order of Malta, a Catholic lay religious order, have signed a memorandum of understanding to partner on a range of life-changing engagement initiatives that work with groups who experience disadvantage and marginalisation.

Through the alliance, ACU students will have expanded community engagement placement opportunities with a range of Order of Malta programs, including Community Care Vans for people experiencing homelessness, the Coats for the Homeless initiative, and camps for people with a disability.

Order of Malta volunteers will also have the opportunity to participate in ACU-led community engagement initiatives. The Order of Malta and ACU are planning to collaborate on a co-led community hub that connects ACU staff, students and Order of Malta members to engagement where it is most needed.

“The Order of Malta’s mission to alleviate the suffering of the poor and sick, without judgment, distinction of religion, race or political persuasion is in perfect alignment with our own mission,” ACU National Community Engagement Manager Dr Matthew Pink said.

“This is just the beginning. It’s exciting to imagine what impact this partnership can have working with those in the community who’ve experienced disadvantage and social injustice.”

Order of Malta’s President the Hon James Douglas said, “By combining the efforts, enthusiasm and expertise of our two organisations there is a wonderful opportunity to provide sustainable initiatives and emergency response activities that will make a tangible difference to the lives of those in need.”

ACU Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Zlatko Skrbis said, “The partnership between the Order of Malta and ACU is an acknowledgement and affirmation of their shared departure point in faith tradition and commitment to improving the lives of those who need it most.”

The MOU steering group will begin meeting from September 2021 to formally begin the partnership’s work.

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