Update your email signature

Our ACU email signature has been updated. Please ensure you are you using the latest version.

Like business cards, our email signatures serve the practical purpose of identifying and projecting a consistent, positive image of our organisation.

Following an internal review of ACU’s email signature practice, as well as looking more broadly at what is happening in the sector, our template and guidelines have been revised to ensure brand compliance and professional uniformity. This is particularly important for an organisation with many different entities including directorates, departments, faculties, schools, clinics and research institutes.

Highlights of changes include the addition of Acknowledgement of Country and a revised legal disclaimer to our email signature block. Additionally, our email signatures will no longer be used to promote a wide spectrum of agendas. Requests to include additional promotional banners, image files or endorsements will not be approved.

The discontinuation of promotional messages will ensure a more professional-looking email communication, reduce clutter and reduce risk of emails being blocked by spam filters.

A copy of the latest email signature guidelines and protocols, endorsed by the Vice-Chancellor’s Executive Board (VCEB) in August 2021, can be accessed through the MER SharePoint.

Read the Service Central Knowledge Base article on how to set up your new ACU email signature in Outlook.

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