New Declaration of Interest Policy and Procedure

ACU has a new Declaration of Interest Policy and Procedure that applies to all staff and affiliates (contractors, suppliers, consultants and agents employed by ACU).

We are committed to the highest standards of social and ethical conduct in line with our mission and values. As a public company, we also have an obligation to ensure that decisions are made legitimately and without bias.

The purpose of the Declaration of Interest Policy and Procedure is to:

  • assist you to recognise potential conflicts of interest or potential foreign interference
  • establish a process to identify and disclose personal or material interests
  • ensure that practices are in place to manage and monitor interests and foreign interference situations.

There are many definitions of what constitutes a conflict of interest. As a member of staff at ACU, you need to ensure that you are familiar with these definitions and can identify where a conflict or potential conflict may exist or need to be declared. You also need to ensure that you recognise situations where there could be foreign interference.

To assist you, a Declaration of Interest Self-assessment Guide (See Appendix 1) has been developed.

Please familiarise yourself with the Declaration of Interest Policy and Procedure.

For further guidance, please review the Knowledge Base articles on Declaration of interest and foreign interference.

How to make a declaration

Where a declaration of interest or potential conflict of interest has been identified, you are required to disclose this to your supervisor. You and your supervisor will need to agree a plan to manage the interest or potential foreign interference matter as well as complete an online declaration via Service Central to ensure that the disclosure is appropriately recorded. All declarations need to be recorded, even where a conflict may not exist.

Training is being developed to help supervisors understand their obligations under this policy and procedure. Details of this training will be provided to you shortly.

Access the Declaration of Interest Disclosure form

Access the Foreign Interference Declaration form

Questions regarding this policy can be directed through Service Central.

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