Canvas LMS project update

ACU is currently undertaking a major project to replace Moodle with Canvas, a new and improved Learning Management System (LMS).

Canvas is already used in 12 Australian universities and has an active user community. This change aims to positively transform the educational experience for students and staff at ACU by helping you better connect with students, share course documents effortlessly, expand on teaching and learning activities and much more.

The transition to Canvas will take place over the next 18 months, with the following key milestones:

  • June 2023: Canvas will be available for all Semester 2 postgraduate units
  • November 2023 to March 2024: The phased release of undergraduate units on Canvas
  • June 2024: Canvas implementation completed; Moodle decommissioned

Throughout the transition, the Centre for Education & Innovation’s LMS Project Team will provide a range of support services to help you understand Canvas and take advantage of its tools.

These will include:

  • interactive training sessions
  • online tutorials and knowledge articles
  • Canvas sandboxes for all staff
  • campus drop-in hubs
  • Lunch and Learn sessions
  • workshops on navigating Canvas.

Please continue to check the Staff Bulletin for regular CEI Canvas project updates and transition progress, as well as links to support resources.

Find out more about ACU’s Canvas LMS change

For more information, please contact the Canvas LMS Project Change and Transition Team,

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