Service Central updates

Service Central provides access to a range of information and services from Corporate Services, Finance, Governance, Human Resources, IT, Marketing and External Relations, Office of General Counsel, OPSM, Properties and Facilities, Student Administration, Sport, Wellbeing and Residential Life and Student Success.

Service Central continues to evolve in response to feedback and requests, driving the addition of new forms, knowledge and processes.

Some of the biggest process changes for the start of 2022 have been happening in the HR space.

Flexible Work Arrangements

The Flexible Work Arrangements form has been updated to reflect ACU’s new approach to flexible working. All the Flexible Work Arrangement Knowledge Articles have been updated to reflect the changes in process.

Recruitment process

Recruitment Knowledge Articles have been updated to instruct you on the process now that PAGE-UP has been retired and recruitment is via Staff Connect.

Return to campus

The Return to Campus form has evolved many times over recent months in order to address the evolving state-by-state COVID-19 guidelines.

You can access ACU COVID-19 information via the banner at the top of all pages in the Service Central Portal.

New forms added to Service Central

Student Administration

Campus Unit Waiver: Waive a campus unit restriction

Revoke Credit: Remove credit that has already been applied.


External Release of Data and Information: Request the release of data and Information


Request a New Learning Program: Request the introduction of a new learning program for staff.


Single-topic eDM request form (current students): Submit a request for the creation and send of a single-topic eDM to current students.

Updated forms

Staff Registration for Graduation: Register to be in the Academic Procession, to sit in the audience or to be an assistant supporting the Graduation team.

Student Systems – ARGOS Reporting: Request for a report that is not available in Student Connect or Banner.

Contact Service Central

Have an idea for a new form or knowledge article? You can submit feedback via the feedback form located at the bottom right of the Service Central homepage.

You can contact Service Central via:

  • Submitting a request on the online portal
  • Live chat on the portal
  • Phone: (07) 3623 7272

View Service Central’s operating hours

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Service Central

Visit Service Central to access Corporate Services.

Other service contacts

Learning and Teaching
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Make a request for services provided by Corporate Services.

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Knowledge base

Find answers to frequently asked questions 24/7.

See Knowledge Base