Academic Board Digest

A summary of the Academic Board meeting held on 15 September 2022 is detailed below.

Chair of Academic Board’s update

Academic Board:

  • approved an amendment to the Academic Staff Teaching Qualifications and Equivalent Professional Experience Policy and approved a new Procedure
  • approved an amendment to the Course Accreditation, Amendment and Review Policy from 1 September 2022
  • noted the terms of reference for the Academic Programs Offered Across Multiple Study Modes Policy Review Committee
  • noted the approvals granted by the Chair of Academic Board during the period of 7 July 2022 to 31 August 2022.
Vice-Chancellor and President’s (VCP) update

The VCP updated members on the following matters:

  • the university’s Strategic Plan
  • results from the Student Experience Survey and the My Voice Survey
  • the new Campus Dean appointments
  • the university’s financial status.
Provost’s update

The Interim Provost reported on:

  • the volume of activity within the faculties and portfolios
  • the upcoming launch of the Centre for Education and Innovation (CEI)
  • ACU Online enrolment update
  • the inclusion of the Thomas More Law School in the top 300 by the latest Academic Ranking of World Universities
  • the development of a new practice for sustainability
  • the shortlisting of 70 of ACU’s Law students for a Uniservitate International service-learning award
  • the impact of Low Completion Rates Provision of the Job Ready Graduate HE Reforms Package 2020
  • the development of a strategy to enhance the monitoring of student performance and academic benchmarks.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research and Enterprises

The Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research and Enterprises reported on:

  • ACU’s improvement in the Research and Performance recognition category
  • recent developments related to research income
  • fellowship schemes
  • graduate research student enrolments
  • TEQSA’s major review on the Guidance Note for Research and Research Training
  • matters related to the Australian Research Council
  • the discontinuation of the ERA for 2023 and transitional arrangements.
Reporting Committees
1. Courses and Academic Quality Committee (CAQC)

Academic Board:

  • noted the report of the Chair of the Courses and Academic Quality Committee (CAQC), dated 31 August 2022
  • endorsed the new course proposal for the:
    • Bachelor of Human Rights
    • Bachelor of Human Rights / Bachelor of Laws
    • Bachelor of Human Rights / Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice
    for implementation for Semester 1 2023, as detailed in CMAS proposal PR000383, for Senate approval
  • approved the recommendations of the review of the Graduate Certificate in Higher Education for implementation for Professional Term 2 2023, as detailed in CMAS proposal PR000262
  • approved the recommendations of the review of the Media discipline within the Bachelor of Arts for implementation from Semester 1, 2023, as detailed in CMAS proposal PR000069
  • approved the recommendations of the discipline review of the Communication Minor within the Bachelor of Arts, for implementation for Semester 1, 2023, as detailed in CMAS proposal PR000391
  • approved the major course change for the Master of Teaching (Secondary) for delivery via ACU Online effective from ACUO Term 1 2023, as detailed in CMAS proposal PR000330
  • approved the major course change for the Bachelor of Education (Primary and Secondary) for delivery via ACU Online effective from ACUO Term 1 2023, as detailed in CMAS proposal PR000337
  • approved the major course change for the Bachelor of Arts (the offering of the History and English sequences on the Canberra Campus) for implementation for Semester 1, 2023, as detailed in CMAS proposal PR000400
  • approved the major course change for the Bachelor of Arts consisting of amendment of the course rules, for implementation for Semester 1 2023, as detailed in CMAS proposal PR000404
  • approved the major course change for the Bachelor of Arts (Western Civilisation) for implementation for Semester 1 2023, as detailed in CMAS proposal PR000408
  • approved the major course change for the:
    • Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Global Studies
    • Bachelor of Theology / Bachelor of Global Studies
    • Bachelor of Applied Public Health / Bachelor of Global Studies
    • Bachelor of Business Administration / Bachelor of Global Studies
    • Bachelor of Commerce / Bachelor of Global Studies
    • Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Global Studies
    • Bachelor of Laws (Honours) / Bachelor of Global Studies
    for implementation from Professional Term 7 2022, as detailed in CMAS proposal PR000402
  • approved the major course change for the Master of Teaching (Secondary) (Internship), for implementation for Semester 1 2023, as detailed in CMAS proposal PR000393
  • approved the proposal to discontinue the Doctor of Education, for implementation from Research Term A, 2024, as detailed in CMAS proposal PR000325
  • approved the proposal to discontinue the Master of Education (Research) for implementation from Research Term A 2023, as detailed in CMAS proposal PR000329
  • approved the major course change for the:
    • Master of High Performance Sport
    • Graduate Diploma in High Performance Sport
    • Graduate Certificate in High Performance Sport
    for delivery via ACU Online effective from ACU Online Term 1 2023, as detailed in CMAS proposal PR000367
  • approved the major course change for the Master of Sports and Exercise Physiotherapy, and the Master of Sports and Exercise Physiotherapy / Master of High Performance Sport for delivery via ACU Online effective from ACU Online Term 1 2023, as detailed in CMAS proposal PR000366
  • approved the major course change for the Graduate Certificate in Exercise Rehabilitation for Sports Injuries for delivery via ACU Online effective from ACU Online Term 1 2023, as detailed in CMAS proposal PR000368
  • approved the major course change for the Graduate Certificate in Performance Analysis for delivery via ACU Online effective from ACU Online Term 1 2023, as detailed in CMAS proposal PR000369
  • approved the major course change to the Master of Social Work (Qualifying) for delivery via ACU Online effective from ACU Online Term 1 2023, as detailed in CMAS proposal PR000317
  • approved the major course change for the Bachelor of Nursing / Bachelor of Paramedicine for implementation from Semester 1 2024, as detailed in CMAS proposal PR000336
  • approved the major course change for the Bachelor of Paramedicine for implementation from Semester 1 2023, as detailed in CMAS proposal PR000413
  • approved the major course change for the:
    • Master of Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental Management
    • Graduate Diploma in Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental Management
    • Graduate Certificate in Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental Management
    • Graduate Certificate in High Performance Sport
    for delivery via ACU Online, effective for ACU Online Term 1, 2023, as detailed in CMAS proposal PR000339.
  • approved the major course change for the Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice for delivery via ACU Online, effective for ACU Online Term 1, 2023, as detailed in CMAS proposal PR000387
  • approved the major course change for the Graduate Certificate in Data Science for delivery via ACU Online, effective for ACU Online Term 1, 2023, as detailed in CMAS proposal PR000388
  • approved the major course change for the Graduate Certificate in Data Analytics for delivery via ACU Online, effective for ACU Online Term 1, 2023, as detailed in CMAS proposal PR000389
  • approved the recommendations of the course review of the:
    • Master of Religious Education
    • Graduate Diploma in Religious Education
    • Graduate Certificate in Religious Education
    effective from Semester 1 2023 and detailed in CMAS proposal PR000281
  • approved the draft Third Party and Educational Partnerships Policy as endorsed by the Courses and Academic Quality Committee on 20 July 2022
  • noted the memorandum from the Chair, Courses and Academic Quality Committee (CAQC) to Academic Board concerning the formation of the Working Party to review the Structuring Coursework Programs Policy.
2. Student Administrative Lifecycle and Policy Committee

Academic Board:

  • noted the SALPC Chair’s report
  • approved amendments to the Academic Calendar and Study Periods for 2023 and 2024
  • approved the amendments to the Examinations Policy and Procedures
  • approved the minor amendments to the Student Card and Photographic Images Policy
  • noted the Autumn 2022 Graduation Report.
3. University Learning and Teaching Committee

Academic Board:

  • approved the amendments to the current Assessment Policy with regard to sections 5.3 ‘Hurdle Tasks’ and 5.4 ‘Requirements to achieve a pass’.
4. University Research Committee


5. Faculty Boards

Academic Board noted minutes and updates.


Academic Board:

  • noted the approved Functional Review of Research Institutes Final Report – August 2022 conducted at ACU.

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