Canvas migration is underway

We’re passionate about a successful transition to the new Canvas Learning Management System (LMS). Learn how CEI is guiding the transition.

Within the Centre of Innovation and Education (CEI), the Canvas LMS Implementation project team is comprised of four different streams: Learning and Teaching; Data and Content Migration; Change and Transition; and Technology.

By June 2023, all postgraduate units will have been migrated from LEO into Canvas. Postgraduate staff will have access to Canvas tutorial videos, training workshops, and a practice Canvas 'sandbox' account. The migration for undergraduate units will run from November 2023 to March 2024.

Learning and Teaching

Our Learning and Teaching project stream are working together to:

  • design and develop how Canvas will function across ACU to ensure the structure upholds ACU’s Quality Framework & Branding guidelines
  • ensure the learning and teaching needs of the university are met in a fully functional environment
  • define the process and set clear goals for each courses transition.
Data and Content Migration

The Data and Content Migration stream will work in partnership with our vendors and staff to:

  • migrate all active content from Moodle to Canvas
  • archive inactive content currently stored in Moodle 
  • define and configure the Canvas dashboards for any relevant reporting.
Change and Transition

The Change and Transition stream will guide all staff and students through the change by:

  • helping to raise awareness of the change
  • providing access to support and appropriate training opportunities
  • keeping all stakeholders informed of any decisions and associated impacts.

The Technology stream will work to:

  • create a safe, secure and supportable Canvas environment
  • integrate all learning tools and enterprise applications through testing and release phases.
Where can I get more information?

Stay informed of regular Canvas updates and support by visiting the Canvas Implementation Project web page.

If you have any questions, feedback, or concerns, please email

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